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 BidMyHunt 1.0


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BidMyHunt was formed when Kosie de Villiers (Ph.D.) and Rudolph Baard saw the opportunity to create an unique new transaction platform for the international hunting industry, that connects hunter with outfitters and creates a win-win situation for both. Hunters can create their own dream hunt packages, and put them out there for outfitters to accept, decline or counter bid.

Rudolph Baard is well-known and highly respected in hunting circles across the world being the owner of the premium Rudolph Optics brand (which stands for top quality precision engineering in optics with extreme reliability and a lifetime guarantee), and other real estate and retail investments in the hunting industry in South Africa and the United States of America. Dr. Kosie de Villiers is an international business consultant with many years of strategy and marketing know-how, and he is also a core part-time faculty member of the University of Stellenbosch Business School in Cape Town, South Africa.

Our focus is on international hunters, and our business is operated from South Africa by the duly registered company BidMyHunt (Pty) Ltd (reg no: 2016/198865/07).

Acknowledgement: In order to bring this valuable service to hunters and outfitters, ample use was made of Wikipedia as well as the publicly available marketing information of various outfitters across the globe.
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  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    15. 10. 2019

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  • Web autora

    Wapptech (Pty) ltd

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    Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad

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    • Angličtina
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