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 Ham Exam Canada Test Prep 10.3.2


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Ace your Industry Canada Amateur (Ham) Radio exams! Our app features:

- Actual Industry Canada Questions, just like you'll see on your test
- All charts and figures that you'll need to reference are fully included
- A polished and fast user experience designed to maximize your study efficiency. This can save you hours if not days compared to other study methods and most users would agree is the reason why the app quickly "pays for itself" in time savings.
- Free lifetime updates.
- Basic and Advanced qualification level exams are fully covered
- Plenty of study and learning modes
- Integrated 'JargonBuster" Glossary helps you make sense of difficult or new radio and engineering terms. The glossary includes thousands of terms!

This app is 100% what you need to study for and pass your Industry Canada exams.

Please note that an audio review is optionally available as an in-app purchase in this app. You do not need the audio review to successfully study using this app, though some people appreciate the further time convenience that it offers them by allowing them to, for example, study while driving.

Once you study using this app, you can be examined by an accredited examiner or be examined at the local district office of Industry Canada to receive your license. Please refer to the Industry Canada web pages for specific details on this and how to obtain your call sign after you pass your test.
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  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    11. 10. 2019

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    141,2 MB

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  • Web autora

    Dauntless Software

  • Systémové požadavky

    Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad

  • Podporované jazyky

    • Angličtina
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Cena: 499 Kč
Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad


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