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 Smart India Realty Summit 1.0.2


Pro hodnocení programu se prosím nejprve přihlaste

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Use the Smart India Realty Summit app to enhance your event experience by connecting with the right people, maximizing your time at the event. The app will help you discover, connect and chat with attendees at the summit.
This app will be your companion not only during the event but also before and after the summit, helping you to:

1) Connect with the attendees who have interests similar to yours.
2) Set up meetings with potential attendees (investors, mentors, industry CxOs) by using the chat feature.
3) View the summit program and explore sessions.
4) Create your own personalized schedule based on your interests and meetings.
5) Interact with the fellow attendees in a discussion forum and share your thoughts on the event and issues beyond the event.

Use the app, you'll learn more. Enjoy the app and we hope you have a wonderful time at the Summit!
  • Verze programu


  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    15. 10. 2019

  • Počet stažení za měsíc

    0 ×

  • Velikost

    78,33 MB

  • Potřeba instalace:


  • Web autora

    Hubilo Softech Private Limited

  • Systémové požadavky

    Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad

  • Podporované jazyky

    • Angličtina
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Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad


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